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AIYAI - A Wrafthful Soul

Ozzie Devrish is hilarious as Tom, the drug dealing scumbag and leader of a low level criminal scheme. I mean, yeah, he’s a rat bastard and a terrible person, but he’s still funny in a disturbing kind of way. I’m surprised the movie doesn’t have more of him in it being a terrible person. He’s incredibly entertaining.

The Dark Lurking

Ozzie Devrish is the only actor who looks the part, so it’s particularly disappointing that, since the producers couldn’t afford real talent, they wouldn’t have at least attempted to cast more people like Devrish.


Ozzie is awesome!

Some stand out actors are Margot Robbie, and of course Ozzie Dervish. (Who just quietly, steals ever scene he is in, in both films). He is one mean looking bastard! Those eyes simply scare the crap out of me. I'd hate to run into him in a dark alley!

The Dark Lurking

Now I must address the acting. Within the squad most of the acting is acceptable, with scant moments of line reading that doesn’t quiet come off as natural. Kirkland (Ozzie Devrish) comes off as the best actor here and a character I was desperately hoping would survive, but I knew deep down never would.



Winning Highest Achievement as Best Actor

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